06 | Toads

06 | Toads

Toads are essentially shorter, chubbier lizards.
That means we won't use long elegant lines as with snakes and instead focus on heavy overlapping forms.

What's also different is the texture - the skin is covered not with scales, but with circular spots and bubble-like warts.


  1. Draw shapes for the forms of your frog. Start in the front and overlap each next shape for depth.
  1. Imagine (or draw, if you prefer) lines wrapping over the forms. Think about the immense weight of each form.
  1. Draw the skin as it wraps over the forms. Rely on a photo reference, especially if this subject is still new to you.
  1. Draw texture over your toad - spots, bubbles or freckles.
    Remember that everything you draw on the surface has to deform with the surface.

Note on the process

When I was drawing the demo for this chapter, this is what my sketch actually looked like.

So did I use a different process?
Not quite, you can see hints of it, eg. in the way legs are segmented into separate forms.

Some drawings are better broken down into steps, others are better tackled directly - only you can know what's best for your drawing.

It's still useful learning each step individually, so you can fall back on this knowledge when dealing with more difficult subjects.


  • Sketch two toads (2 x 15 minutes) from different angles.
  • Draw one finished toad piece (30 minutes) with texturing and a focal point.

Challenge 🐸

Draw a silly toad catching a fly with its tongue!
(You might want to draw a few sketches before you figure out the pose.)

Be sure to share the silliness with other students in the Discord community!